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Previous Project

No Project Name Duration Target Group Location Donor
1 Adherence Support GF Project and Satellite Project September 2004 to 2020 PLHIV Yangon Alliance
2 HIV/AIDS Care and Support Project Dec 2007-June 2008 PLHIV Yangon Region International HIV/AIDS Alliance (EU)
3 Drop-in-Center(Yangon) Oct 2009-Sept2012 Street working children and OVC Yangon Some International (Austria)
4 Care and protection of Orphans and Vulnerable Children and strengthening Community-based Child Protection System Oct 2009-Sept 2010, Dec 2010-Feb2012 Vulnerable children and their families Yangon, HaingGyi
Sub-Township and Labutt Township (Ayeyarwaddy Region)
(Child Protection Section )
5 Community Based Child Protection Sept 2009-Dec 2010 Vulnerable Children 20 villages in Thingangone, Laputta Township, Ayeyarwaddy Region Save the Childrean
6 Civil Society-led Livelihoods Recovery and Development in Nargis-affected Areas May 2010-Aug 2011 5 villages in Ngpudaw Township (Ayeyarwaddy Region) Most vulnerable population Thadar Consortium, Action Aid Myanmar(AAM)
7 Protection, Care and Support for VOC June 2010-December 2011 OVC Maubin,NgapudawTsp(Ayeyarwaddy Region)ShwekyinTsp(Bago Region) International HIV/AIDS Alliance (EU)
8 Buildinga Local Capacities for Livelihood Systems Approaches in the Delta November
2011-April 2015
3 Villages in Mawlamyinggun Township(Ayeyarwaddy Region) Most vulnerable population Thadar Consortium, Action Aid Myanmar (AAM)(LIFT funding)
9 The Civil Society Led Community based Livelihood Resources Development in the Dry Zone July 2011-May 2014 Magwe Township,3 villages in Saytottaya Township, Magwe Region Most vulnerable population Consortium, Action Aid Myanmar (AAM)(LIFT funding)
10 Treatment, Care and Support for People living with HIV / AIDS (PLHIV) January 2011- December 2017 PLHIV Yangon Alliance
11 Drop-in-Center November 2011-June 2015 Street working children and OVC Pathein Kadoorie Charitable Foundation (KCF)
12 (Pathein) January 2011-December 2013 Marie Stopes International (MSI)(EU funding)
13 Protection of vulnerable Children and Women through Strengthened Child Protection System 17 August 2012-16 August 2013 Vulnerable children and their families Ayeyarwaddy Region( Laputta Township),Bago(Pyay Township),Yangon Regions<(22 Townships),Kachin State(MyitkyinaTwonship)and Shan State UUNICEF (Child protection Section)
14 Faith for Children 17 August 2012-May 2013 Vulnerable children and their families Bago Region (Myingyan Township) UNICEF (Programme Communication and Information Section)
15 PLHIV Targeted HIV / SRH Integrated Project (Link Up Project) November 2013 to March 2015 Youth (10-24) Yangon Alliance
16 Gender Mainstreaming Awareness Workshop on HIV/AIDS and Child Protection Jan to Mar
RMO Staff and EC members RMO Project sites Pyoe Pin Programme
17 New Direction Fund July 2013 to December 2014 PLHIV Yangon Alliance
18 Protection vulnerable children through Inter-religious cooperation in Myanmar August 2013 to July 2015 Children youth and community from Pathein Pathein Religious for peace
19 Myanmar access to rural credit though Institutional Strengthening (MARC)(The project are to improve the livelihood and food security of rural poor, marginal farming and non-farming individuals’ loans that enable them better to access input markets.) Feb 2013 to till now ShweKyin, Bago Region. rural poor, marginal farming and non-farming individuals Pact Global Microfinance
20 HIV Testing and Counselling, Sexual Reproductive Health April 2014 to December 2017 General Population Yangon Alliance
21 Protecting Children in Emergencies and Against Grave Violations in conflict project August 2014 to February 2016 Children Dala, Pathein, Pyay, NyaungOo, Sittwe, Myitkyina, Magway, KyaukPhyu Save the Chidren
22 Child protection in Emergencies Affected by Armed Conflict July 2014 to May 2016 Child Soldier The whole country (depends) on where the child is from) Save the Children
23 Behavior Change Communication Initiative through Religious teachings September 2014 to December 2015 Myitkyina, Pauk, Myaing, Wetlet, Meikhtilar, HnarHtoGyi UNICEF
24 Strengthening Legal Literacy, Justice Access and Legal Awareness for Children and Women October 2014 to February 2016 HlaingTharYar USAID
25 Community mobilization for the rights and protection of street working children in Yangon and Pathein May 2014 to Street Children vulnerable children Pathein, Yangon European Union Commission
26 Community mobilization for the rights and protection of Orphan and vulnerable children Drop in Center April 2014 to December 2015 Vulnerable children including street children Taunggyi Terres des Hommes-Netherlands
27 Girls’ Education Challenge Initiative January 2015-December 2016 Girl students Mandalay division;8 Township; NyaungU;Taungthar;Myingyan;Htthogyi;
Mahliang;Meikhtilar;TharSi;Pyawbwe;Bago Division and Mon State; Kawa;Bago;Nyaunglaybin;
28 Partnership for Positive Change in Myanmar May 2014-April 2015 Staffs , community from ShweKyin ShweKyin Cord
29 Child Protection Case Management Aug 2015- Dec 2017 Children Needed Case Management The whole county (depends) on where the child Unicef
30 Combating worst forms of child labour through community participation Feb 2016-Feb 2017 Taunggyi&Pyay Child Labour Terres des Hommes- Netherland
31 Direct Beneficiaries May 2016-Dec 2017 Yangon,DagonSeikKan Child Labour International Labor Organization
32 Strengthening Legal Literacy ,Justice Access and Legal Awareness for children and Women August 2016-June 2017 ShweGyin, BagoTwonship Vulnerable children and women International Rescue Committee
33 Myanmar Interfaith for children April 2016-March 2017 Children Yangon, MyitkyinaMeikhtilar Unicef
34 Mobilization for the rights and protection of children from IDPS and raising knowledge of gender equality in Myitkyina Nov 2016-July 2017 MyitkyinaKachin State People in IDPs UNOCHA
35 Justice access and raising legal awareness for women and children in HlaingTharYar Jan 2017-Dec 2017 Vulnerable Women and children HlaingTharYar Yangon My Justice
36 Vocational Training Center in Taunggyi and Pyay (VTC) Jan 2017-Sep 2017 Street working children Taunggyi and Pyay RMO
37 Deepening Adolescent Engagement in Rakhine State March 2017-July 2017 Adolescent Sittwe,Rakhine Unicef
38 Justice access and raising legal awareness for women and children in HlaingTharYar Jan 2017 to March 2019 HlaingTharYar Yangon Children and Women My Justice (British Council)
39 Child Protection and Case Management (CPCM Project)(Strengthening Child Protection System in addressing all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation in regular and emergency context including MRM.) Yangon, Mandalay, Mayway, Ayeyarwady, Sagaing and Bago Region.
40 HIV/AIDS Treatment
(Treatment and care for HIV/AIDS
affected persons)
Jan,2018 to Dec, 2018 Yangon Health Sector Alliance International
41 Direct Beneficiaries Monitoring System (DBMR) May, 2018 to April, 2019 Yangon Child Labor International Labor Organization (ILO)
42 Linking learning to earning for out-of-school adolescents in Taunggyi June,2018 to May, 2021 Taunggyi Child Protection Finn Church Aid (FCA)
43 Child Labor in value chains in Myanmar April, 2018 to March, 2020 Bago Region: Shwe Kyin, Thongwa and Kayan Tonship. Child Labor ICCO cooperation
44 Supporting water supply and primary healthcare service to improve the livelihood situation of the people in Shwe Kyin Township (Bago Region) July, 2018 to Dec, 2018 Bago Region Livelihood Polish aid
45 HIV/AIDS Treatment
(Treatment and care for HIV/AIDS affected persons)
Jan,2019 to Dec, 2019 Yangon Health Sector Alliance International
46 Child Protection and Case Management (CPCM Project)(Strengthening Child Protection System in addressing all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation in regular and emergency context including MRM.) Nov 2019 to Feb 2021 Yangon, Mandalay, Magway, Ayeyarwady, Sagaing, Yaknine and Bago Region. Child Protection UNICEF
47 Capacity Building on Social Conscience Training Batch (6) 1st Nov 2020 to 2nd Feb 2021 Yangon Youth Community Partner International
48 Promoting Opportunities for Women Empowerment in Covid-19 and Raising Organization Development through Capacity Building Training 2nd Nov 2020 to 30th April 2021 Shwegyin, Bago Women Empowerment The Asia Foundation ( TAF)
49 Strengthing Child Proection System in addressing all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation in regular and emergency context including MRM 3rd Feb 2021 to 1st Feb 2022 Naypyitaw, Union Territory, Yangon, Mandalay, Shan (South), Magway, Ayeyarwaddy, Saging , Bago and Rakhine Child Protection UNICEF
50 Child Labor in Value Chain Myanmar 1st July 2020 to 30th June 2023 Shwegyin, Bago Child Protection Kerk in actie
51 Capacity Building on Social Conscience Training Batch (7) 5th June 2021 to 4th Sept 2021       Yangon  Youth Pyit Tine Htaung Foundation